Brighton & Hove’s Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy


Photo Of A Oier
Brighton Beach

About Helen

About Ross

As fully qualified, experienced and UKCP registered Child and Adolescent psychotherapists, we ​know that sometimes parents can need some extra support with understanding and supporting ​their child or adolescent, not least because the world in which today's young people are growing ​up in, can feel extremely alien at times, to us as their parents and caregivers.

If you have found us, you already know that raising children and teenagers in these times ​presents some unique challenges, and that understanding and supporting them through their ​difficulties can be complex. We aim to support you and your child or teenager in working ​through their experiences in a calm and safe environment. We are both experienced ​practitioners, who have completed an extensive and specialised Masters level training which has ​prepared us for the complexities of working with the most challenging situations.

We will support and work with you, alongside your child or teenager to foster improved and ​open communication and understanding, which, along with empathy and patience are essential ​for supporting your adolescents and children effectively through turbulent times.

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

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In today’s world today, children and young people are more likely to struggle with their mental health than in any other period in recent history. In 2023, about 1 in 5 children and young people aged 8 to 25 years had a probable mental disorder; and rates of probable mental disorder in females between 17 to 25 year olds, are now twice as high for young women than young men. *

Ross and Helen have been trained to understand the complexity of being a child or adolescent in today’s world and bring experience, expertise, professionalism and empathy together, in creating a Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy service in Brighton and Hove, which has been designed specifically with the specific needs of children and adolescents in mind.

Ross and Helen have both been trained to Master’s level in Psychotherapy, working with clients from birth through the entire life course. Our training included mental health placements in local NHS services and training direct from CAMHS consultants.

Ross Cormack & Helen James

are experienced

Psychotherapists specialising in

Children & Adolescents

and based in Brighton and Hove.

Depression and disappointment


I have over 20 years of experience working with children and young people, initially ​teaching art for emotional expression, and later qualifying with a BSc. in Psychology ​and an MA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy at Terapia.

As a UKCP and BACP registered Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist I have worked ​across all ages in day school and boarding school settings before establishing my own ​private practice several years ago. I have worked with families within the Adoption ​Support Fund and also within an NHS Acute Child & Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatric ​unit, where I gained invaluable experience working with young people who could be ​very reluctant to engage in the therapeutic process and who were experiencing ​mental health difficulties at the most acute stages.​​​

My approach is primarily based on providing a safe and non-judgemental space ​where your child or teen will feel safe enough to explore their concerns openly and I ​have a passion for using play and creative approaches to facilitate building ​relationships with children and adolescents.

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

Helen James, MA Psych, BSc. Hons Psych.

Ross Cormack

Ross Cormack, MA Psych. BA Hons.

I am a UKCP registered Psychotherapist, specialising in Child and Adolescent psychotherapy. I also work with adults and parent/carers. I trained at the Institute for Arts Therapy and Education, and qualifying with a PG Dip. and an MA in Integrative Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy at Terapia. My training emphasised play, creativity, the arts, attachment theory, and neurobiology.

I have spent the past 25 years working with children and families; firstly as a Youth and Community Worker, and then working with bereaved children and families. As Clinical Lead in an emotional wellbeing service for adolescents; I have led a large team of multi-disciplinary therapists.

I have worked as a psychotherapist in private practice for the past five years, working with children, teenagers and families. I am also a qualified EMDR therapist (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) - a specific approach to reduce the impact of traumatic events.

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

EMDR - Ross Cormack

I am trained in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for children, teenagers, and adults, which is a proven approach that facilitates healing of emotional distress stemming from traumatic experiences. It is recognised as an effective treatment for trauma in adults and children in both single event and complex trauma.

EMDR helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories, reducing their long-lasting effects, which allows the brain to resume its natural healing capabilities. For adults, EMDR therapy offers a pathway to reclaim control over their emotional well-being, often leading to improved relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life.

Children can particularly benefit from EMDR’s gentle and non-invasive techniques. It empowers them to overcome anxiety, fear, and the aftermath of distressing events without the need for extensive discussions. EMDR for children and young people incorporates narrative stories, play and creativity alongside a parent or carer.

Please contact for further information or to arrange an initial consultation for EMDR therapy.

Clinical Supervision and Reflective Practice sessions.

Ross Cormack.

Clinical Supervision is a crucial aspect of professional development for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. It involves a collaborative process where a qualified Supervisor provides guidance, support, and oversight to another Counsellor or Psychotherapist.

I offer Supervision to Child, Adolescent and Adult Counsellors and Psychotherapists. I am UKCP and BACP registered and I work with trainees, newly qualified Counsellors and Psychotherapists, as well as with experienced psychotherapists. I also offer Supervision and Reflective Practice for individuals and groups working with children, young people and adults including schools, social workers, and mental health professionals.

If you are looking for a Clinical Supervisor or for Reflective Practice, please contact to arrange an informal discussion.

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

We both also offer Parent Reflective Sessions to explore your child's struggles and understand the emotions and obstacles behind their behaviour. These sessions combine Dan Hughes' PACE approach with understanding and insight from neuroscience experts like Dan Siegel, Peter Levine, and Bessell van der Kolk.

Although these sessions are suitable for children of all ages, they can be especially advantageous for parents of teenagers or tweens, addressing the difficulties that can arise in communication during this stage.

Teenager with parent

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

Parenting support

We offer weekly individual sessions, either in person at our office in BN3 or remotely via Zoom. These can be short ​or long-term to suit your preference and needs.

For all services, we conduct an initial assessment session; offering us an opportunity to discuss your needs and for ​you to determine whether we are the right fit for you.

Please contact us for fee information.

We can accept insurance from AXA, Vitality and AVIVA.

We can offer slight reductions for booking a course of sessions in advance and we also offer a few low cost spaces ​where available. (By prior arrangement).

Pile of stones

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

Our room has been furnished carefully to make our clients feel

welcome and safe.

Find us at Suite 306,

The Dock Hub, Wilbury Villas Hove BN3 6AH

Cormack & James is conveniently located close to Hove Station and with several bus routes nearby, as well as affordable on-street parking. We have a very pleasant waiting area and a receptionist to welcome you.

For further information, contact us at or call us on 01273 359934


Therapy duration

The number of sessions required can only be estimated after an initial assessment. Following this assessment, we will collaborate on a treatment plan together. Therapy might be as brief as a few sessions or might extend over months or years for more complex issues. We will discuss with you at the outset, our suggestions for a treatment plan and the expected duration.


At Cormack & James, we adhere to strict professional codes of conduct and ethics, with confidentiality being a top priority. Your confidentiality will never be compromised without your explicit permission. Indeed, the only circumstances where confidentiality might need to be breached is if there is thought to be a serious risk to yourself or others.

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

Victorian bandstand in Brighton

Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service - 0300 002 0060

A free NHS Talking Therapies service for anyone of any age struggling with low mood or anxiety.

You can refer yourself online

Brighton & Hove Chat Health - 0748 0635423

The service is for anyone aged 11-19 at secondary school looking for confidential advice on issues such as bullying, emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health as well as illnesses.

Resources in an emergency.

Samaritans – call 116 123 to speak to a listening volunteer, available 24/7.

Contact us at or call us on 01273 359934

East Sussex School Health Service - 0300 123 4062

If you are between 11 and 19 years and parents/carers of 5-19 year olds and you do not know where to seek support, this service can offer you free help and advice for your physical and emotional well-being.

Allsorts Youth Project (Brighton & Hove) - 01273 721211

Allsorts Youth Project listens to, supports & connects children & young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual,

trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Contact HOPELINE 24/7 - 0800 068 41 41

If you are concerned that a young person is feeling suicidal, advisers can support you to start a conversation about suicide

and explore options of how best to support them.